Role Of Augmented Reality and IoT In Creating A Better Connected World | AR & IoT Helping Business Together

By RisingMax

December 27, 2022

Role Of Augmented Reality and IoT In Creating A Better Connected World | AR & IoT Helping Business Together

From living rooms to workplaces, digitization has swarmed into every part of our lives. While the world is envisioning a future where everything will be connected, Augmented Reality (AR) is emerging as the key that will unlock the hidden potential of the Internet of Things (IoT). RisingMax Inc. is a top IoT application development services provider pioneering world-class technology.

Augmented Reality And IoT

By the way, did you know?

In 1999, British technologist Kevin Ashton came up with the term Internet of Things (IoT) to define a network that not only connects people but also the objects around them. At the time, most people thought this was the stuff of science fiction films. 

Today, IoT is becoming a reality owing to the development of communication technologies and big data analytics

The IoT+AR combination kicks off a cycle of cost savings, revenue generation, and higher profits. Taking cognizance of this fact, each industry should embrace the technologies rather than just seeing them benefit the segments around it. 

Recently, Augmented Reality and IoT have received significant popularity for making the world more interactive. Let us first learn about both concepts before we begin to discuss the role of Augmented Reality and IoT in creating a better-connected world. And in case you already know them in-depth, it will help you brush up. 

What is Augmented Reality?

AR is an interactive medium that provides the real world’s view in augmented space by registering computer-generated information. In simpler terms, it helps people understand the world and lets them solve their problems intelligently. 

What is IoT?

IoT is a network of physical devices that are embedded with sensors, software, and other technologies. It connects and exchanges data with other systems and data over the Internet. 

How Augmented Reality and IoT Help Companies Address Their Issues?

IoT bridges the gap between physical devices and digital infrastructure, while AR digitizes life by interacting with the physical environment in real-time. The confluence of AR and IoT is nothing less than a massive revolution. 

There are three ways in which AR and IoT together let companies look after their concerns. Let us have a look at those ways.

  1. Detection & Elimination Of Technical Glitches In Industrial Equipment

Equipment and machines are prone to breaking down due to technical glitches, which are sometimes uncontrollable. While the concerned authority can’t check manually, AR and IoT are automating the technical glitches’ detection. 

When machines are embedded with sensors and cameras, they will generate data about their technical condition in real-time. Moreover, when IoT sensors combine with AR headsets, you simply need to look at the machines to know their condition. This is how augmented reality and IoT facilitate easy detection and elimination of machines and equipment malfunctioning. 

  1. Simplification Of Complex Data Analysis

Analyzing a pool of data that is too large to be handled manually is an enormous & complicated task. At first, AR offers a convenient and intuitive way for users to visualize and interact with IoT objects and associated data. 

Users can analyze real-time data and also its performance. With AR headsets, users can monitor which area of their work needs more attention and identify the issues. All of this can be managed through a simple virtual representation. 

  1. Reduction In Complexity Of Designing Products

Things get easier when you can procure data on how a ‘product’ should look and feel based on your customer’s behavior patterns. The credit for this goes to IoT. Furthermore, you can visualize the product and make modifications to the design that you have prepared through software apps. 

This is how the role of augmented reality and IoT are reducing the complexities that were earlier involved in product designing.

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Reasons Behind AR and IoT Merger

At present, most corporations are not able to use all the data they collect while the data volumes keep rising. Huge volumes lead to slow processing times, and large data keeps getting stuck in data lakes. To add to the complexity, data sets lack a coherent sequence as the databases have too many sources. As a consequence, companies find it complex to generate data-based insights that can be used by employees at the right time. 

IoT devices capture data from the physical world to analyze it. AR devices take that digital data and render it back to the world in a form that is easy for people to view and interpret. 

These are the reasons why AR and IoT merger is considered to be a revolutionary change in the modern world. 

Applications Of IoT And AR

Recently, augmented reality and the Internet of Things have received significant attention for making spaces more innovative and interactive. We have listed down the applications of IoT and AR.

  • Remote Assistance

While we live under the threat of COVID-19, it has become difficult to meet people in person who are residing at far-off places. However, the modern world has already found a solution to it. Organizations are exploring AR to connect experts with the concerned parties. 

Remote assistance is especially required in manufacturing enterprises and hospital facilities. The majority of them have begun incorporating IoT and AR into their daily functioning and reaching remote workers. 

  • Health Monitoring

Companies are seeking ways to prevent the spread of diseases through various ways like temperature monitoring and social distancing enforcement. This is with particular reference to the places that are considered essential, like food and beverage manufacturers. 

Video analytics for health monitoring consists of pre-built visualization dashboards and machine learning models that accurately measure the workers’ temperature and social distance between them. Besides, it can also check whether the workers are coughing or wearing masks. 

  • Wearables For Social Distancing

Wearables for social distancing and contact tracing have gone beyond just mitigating virus spread. One of the most prominent features of these wearables is that it alerts the workers when they are too close to the other person. In case an infection is reported, the respective authorities will be able to identify who came in contact with the infected person. 

With restrictions on travel, experts can’t physically visit industrial sites. However, the need for transparency always exists. To fulfill it, digital twins can be brought into the picture. It can act as a virtual learning model of a real asset. 

Since there are fewer chances of bringing the experts on the ground, the use of augmented reality and IoT in the enterprise can serve the purpose.

How Are AR and IoT Mergers Beneficial?

  1. Safety & Efficiency

IoT and AR are high on the safety and efficiency side. When they both amalgamate with the enterprises, the result is that the enterprises begin to ensure a safe, efficient, and correct way to accomplish transactions.

  1. Visualization

AR devices enable the visualization of data and objects in such a manner that it gains the attention of the users. 

  1. Standardization

With IoT+AR, every transaction is analyzed, examined, and visualized before proceeding to further steps. The exact process happens at each stage. 

  1. Insightful Decision-making

IoT+AR promotes insightful and real-time decision-making to make your business grow with new revenue streams. 

  1. Elimination Of Downtime

Having an AI-enabled IoT platform enables predictive maintenance and helps manufacturing organizations in anticipating machinery failures & breakdowns.  

  1. Improve Employee & Customer Interactions

AR’s unification with IoT improves employee and customer interactions with products & services and enables gathering customer insights to provide better services.

Conditions That Have Led To the Development of AR and IoT

There are certain conditions that make AR and IoT highly popular in today’s modern world. Let us have a look at those factors here.

  • Widespread Network Connectivity

About half the world’s population isn’t on the Internet, but the percentage of users is still growing. Due to the growth and high-speed network connectivity, IoT+AR is able to gain immense popularity. 

  • Massive, Compute-on-demand Capabilities

The instant and unprecedented computing power that Amazon offers has become one of the most extensive support systems for AR and IoT services.

Where Augmented Reality And The Internet of Things Can Be Used?

There are endless use cases, which explain the role of Augmented Reality and IoT. Such areas can benefit a lot from the merger of AR and IoT. 

  1. Learning

Learning is a constant and interactive process. Presently, there are various apps and tools in the market that are enhancing the learners’ experience. The conversion of physical spaces into more interactive and appealing environments is one such development that aims to make learning better. 

AR and IoT merger strives to make learning more potent by using fully-immersive guidelines, objects, and communications.

  1. Production & Manufacturing Industry

Applications of IoT and AR applications in the manufacturing industry can bring massive advantages. The data gathered by IoT devices can be visualized through AR to maximize its usability.

The merger of both technologies can provide smart & real-time insights. It makes way for predictive maintenance, automation, preventive measures, and a better experience.

  1. Retail

The retail industry is already capitalizing on modern technologies. The use of augmented reality and IoT in the enterprise lets retailers offer seamless and interactive shopping experiences to customers. 

  1. Healthcare

Augmented reality has already made its place in the healthcare industry by giving detailed understanding and transparency to doctors, patients, and medical students. Additionally, IoT devices & sensors allow healthcare organizations to gather patients’ data for better real-time diagnosis. 

Healthcare providers use this data to visualize how to create better healthcare plans and better serve patients. 

  1. Design & Architecture

Designers and architects leverage the benefit of how augmented reality and IoT work together. The combination of AR and IoT gives real-time insights to designers and architectures to create suitable plans. 

Even interior designers can use AR and IoT to come up with suitable designs for their respective projects after analyzing the inner and outer surfaces.

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Final Words:

Today, every industry is eyeing to invest more in technologies and gain a competitive edge over others. Seeing the benefits of AR and IoT mergers, industries are ready to become a part of the digital revolution. 

Undoubtedly, IoT is changing the way industry works, but when AR merges with it, industries will witness automation becoming a significant part of their processes. Since we have already seen the impact of IoT on augmented and virtual reality, it is evident that the coming years belong to these technologies. 

However, the companies need to be proactive while choosing where to deploy the technologies, building an ecosystem that supports IoT and AR, and developing the talent that can use both technologies. By doing so, companies can reduce costs, boost revenue, enhance customer experience, strengthen brands, and unimaginably utilize contextual data. 

If you plan to unleash the power of data with AR and IoT, you will need a developer to help you achieve it. There are limitless use cases of augmented reality and IoT that you can explore to adopt the one that suits your industry type. 

Put an end to your search with RisingMax. We are a team of passionate developers who know how to deliver results within the given timeframe and with proficiency. Connect with our team to incorporate these technologies into your processes because the future of AR VR with IoT is very bright and promising. 

We hold rich experience in AR VR app development. Be an early adopter and seek assistance from experts who are highly proficient in using these technologies while keeping your requirements on top. 

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