How to Make a Cannabis Delivery App?

By RisingMax

December 27, 2022

How to Make a Cannabis Delivery App?

The legalization of marijuana in the USA and many other parts of the world opens up new opportunities for businesses. As a result, the USA cannabis industry hits a record $17.5 billion in Sales in 2020. The legal cannabis market is set to grow to $90.4 billion by 2026, growing at 28% annually. This is mainly due to more places making cannabis legal and its increasing medical uses.

In the rat race of companies, cannabis delivery apps work as icing on the cake. It helps in supplying door-to-door marijuana products and earns hefty profits. All they need to do is understand government regulations, get a license, and then go with the cannabis app. 

How to Make a Cannabis Delivery App

If you have both and are planning to shift on an online platform along with brick and mortar business, you are at the right place!! Even if you don't have both, you can still run a cannabis delivery business with an app. To know how? Keep reading.

Here you can learn all about cannabis delivery app development. We have discussed various business models, monetization strategies, in-app key features, cannabis app development costs, and more! 



There is still something that you might be missing…. Let us help you to find out in your words ….

  • What will be my target audience?
  • Area that I can cover effectively?
  • What will be the cannabis business cost for me?
  • What will be my pricing strategy, and why?
  • How does my business generate income?
  • What will be the cannabis business running cost?
  • Fixed and variable expenses in the cannabis business?
  • Number of employees that you need to hire?

Answers to all these questions are in your cannabis delivery app…. Wondering how? Wait and go with the flow to create a cannabis delivery app!!!

Think. Launch. Grow.

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Understand Cannabis Delivery Business Models

Primarily, there are three cannabis business models for implementation. Each one has a different monetization strategy from the other. Pick what suits your business the most and go with a customized app solution. 

  • Centric Model Delivery

The model is most suitable for businesses that don't have the know-how or resources to manufacture cannabis or cannabis products. You can work as a delivery partner for the weed stores and provide delivery services and logistics. This plan is for beginners who want to step into the cannabis business with an app. 

Still, you need to know federal and state regulations and fulfill logistic partner requirements. Then the commission earned on sales will be all yours!

  • Single Store Model

The model is suitable for businesses with a physical store and planning to grab online opportunities. Without monitoring aggregators' support, you can directly receive orders from customers. All the profits generated from the app will be yours.

  • Aggregator Model 

A model is a perfect option for those who do not want to establish their own store but are ready to manage stock from multiple stores. Aggregator models work as a wonderful opportunity for such businesses to generate revenue without investing in goods and keeping their eyes on the stock. 

Now, it's up to you! Which model suits most to your cannabis business! Moving toward app creation, just remember, you are building a cannabis app to create smooth coordination between buyers, dispensary, and drivers. So, let's keep an eye on these sections and their features. 

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Cannabis Delivery App Key Features

Features for Buyers 

Buyers are an essential wheel for any business. They will be going to purchase your products. Therefore, taking care of their convenience and purpose of purchasing is the priority for any business. Find out what features your customers want to see in your app. 

Here we also have a list of a few: 

  • Registration and identity Verification

After downloading the app, registration is the first step for users to enter and get access to use the app. Make sure it should be easy to log in, by email, contact number, or social media accounts. Some common SM platforms are Facebook, Twitter, and Gmail. Once the users successfully register, the next step is to verify the account with an OTP. 

  • Product Search and Filters

An app contains a number of products for medical and recreational purposes. It could be really hard for anyone to scroll and look at each detail, then choose the right products. The end result of it could be users may leave your app before ordering anything. Thus, the search can help your customers to get products without wasting a minute. Filter helps to narrow down the product list based on price and purpose of usage. 

  • Shopping Cart

The shopping cart feature is meant to make hassle-free online buying. Users just need to select items from the app, and all the items get collected in the cart. These involve total order value, including taxes and delivery charges. 

  • In-app Payments

In-app payment gateways help the users to place orders and pay easily. Integrating a payment gateway means you are offering safe and convenient payment options for users. Some of the users prefer cash on delivery option. You can also offer it to boost sales and app usability!

  • GPS Order Tracking

After placing an order, users want to know the order status at every step. Here, GPS tracking options can help buyers to track order status. You can also include in-app chat options and calling features to easily enable users drivers' interaction.

  • Order Scheduling

To enhance the cannabis app experience, you can implement a schedule ordering feature. It allows users to pick a convenient date and time for delivery at a specific place. 

  • Contact Details Of Delivery Person

Once the customer places an order, the customer must receive the delivery boy's contact details. It allows users to contact delivery people smoothly and at the exact location.

  • Order History

Reorder features allow users to access and reorder previous orders with ease. It improves repeat orders frequency and improves the app's efficiency. 

  • Rating And Review

Allowing rating and review options allow customers to share the experience with apps, products, and delivery systems. Significantly it improves business's efficiency. 

Features for Sellers or Store

Dispensaries/Stores are the places from where the stock leaves when customers place orders. Make sure your app will show the accurate stock value and quantity via app to customers. Some of the common features in-app are:

  • Profile

In the case of the aggregator business model, you can invite multiple users to create profiles on your app. The seller will upload details such as to permit license details, add a business address, details history, and more!!  If you are using a single store or centric business model, there is no need to create such profiles.

  • Product Catalogue

Product catalogs involve complete details about the product such as image, stock detail, description, and pricing information. It helps the buyer to purchase products from your app. 

  • Order Management

Order management history involves a clear picture of orders fulfilled, canceled, managing history and status of the products.

Finding the exact cost of app development is actually an endless task. You can use our app cost calculator tool to find out how much your app will cost.

Features for Driver's App 

  • Registration and Login

The registration process will remain the same as in other cases. Drivers have to register on the app via email or contact details.

  • Profile

Profile creation involves steps such as adding a name, personal information, bank details, profile picture, and so on details on the app—the information act as an aid for users to know who is delivering them. 

  • Tasks and Notifications 

The feature lets drivers know task details via push notifications from the app. This means getting on-time details of the buyer and set order status keeps the drivers on top of everything.

  • Maps and Navigation

Maps and navigation keep the drivers updated with the address details, especially when your Driver is new in the city or state. It improves their efficiency and saves time for following the most efficient route. 

Features in Admin Panel 

From the admin panel, you can access your complete app. Its dashboard, order management, product management, order management, and user management features work as wonderful gifts.

  • DashBoard

Dashboards allow you to keep an eye on cannabis delivery app activities. Whether you want to know active orders details, drivers' deliveries, or stock in stores, everything will be a tap away from the app. 

  • Order Management 

You can track every order such as in-dispatch, en-route, delivered from the order management segment. You should also get updated with drivers' status also check payment status. 

  • User Management 

Manage everything implies in this section. The screen presents products, tracks user order history, and manages notifications.

  • Product Management 

You can easily manage products uploaded by different sellers. Adding vouchers, royalty points, promo codes will be in your hand that reduce costs to customers. 

These essential features in your app make your platform healthy and useful for sellers, buyers, and drivers. 

Like Cannabis/marijuana delivery app we have also published an article on How to start a taxi business and the cost to start a taxi business.

Revenue Model of Cannabis Delivery App

Every business focuses on a revenue model to grow and create consistent profits. Here are some revenue models for your business. 

  • Commission and Delivery Fee 

If you work as an aggregator, you can ask sellers for commission on each order. From customers, you can charge a delivery fee to connect with the desired store or dispensary and make the transactions smooth and quick. 

  • Advertising 

Many on-demand apps advertise sellers' products in a special column on the home page. Their customers can check offers and can know about the new store. You can avail of this opportunity to generate income as a commission or fixed charges by providing special space on the app.

  • Membership Plans

You can offer membership plans for users to avail of special offers and discounts on deliveries. You can also offer such a plan to sellers to get permission to add several products to the app. Silver, gold, premium, or platinum names are some offers that can be a part of your revenue model.

  • Price Markup

To meet cost and supply, hiking up prices is an effective solution. It helps your app to generate additional income and save the business from getting lost. 

Adding more streams to your on-demand cannabis delivery app results in creating more networks for generating income. 

Now, before jumping into app development for cannabis delivery, here are some details that you should keep in mind. 

How to Make a Cannabis Delivery App?

Here we have simple steps that will help you to build an app for the cannabis delivery business with us:

Understand Cannabis Market And Legalities

The most crucial aspect of cannabis app development is first understanding your government regulations. Find out whether your state falls into restricted states or not. If not, what kind of license do you need to take to embark on online deliverables. The next step is to move ahead with market results. Look at your business purpose, like whether it is for recreational purposes or medicinal usage. 

Decide The Best Business And Revenue Model

Business and revenue models have already been discussed above. Now, it's your turn to pick the best and define app development companies. It will help us to decide your project plans. 

Cost of Developing An App

What will be the cost of app development? It's a common question. We have laid below some instructions defining factors deciding the app development cost. Still, there might be something missing that you can consult with professionals. 

  1. Build an online presence to engage more users

    Now, the next step is to build an app for your cannabis delivery business. It involves lots of details. You can move on with us by creating:
    Wireframing and building a prototype
    Test the prototype and get advice from people you trust to have a great app.
    Build an across platforms presence and enjoy flavour mix audience
    Integrate it with Social media platforms
    After launching, keep checking appearances, analyzing metrics for valuable updates.

  2. Real-time Updates are important.

    Finally, once you have done with the app development, focus on improving app performance and implementing changes for the future. You should also focus on GPS Tracking, instant notifications, quick payments, and refund options for a smooth experience. 

Understand Technology Stack For Cannabis Delivery App

  • For Android, FCM, Java, Retrofit, Kotlin, Oreo API. 
  • For iOS - Moya Framework, Swift, Xcode.
  • Programming Languages: Python, and Node.js, Go, Java, C, C++, Objective C, and Swift.
  • Front-End Web server: React.js, Angular.js, Vue.js, NGINX, Xampp Server.
  • Other- PostgreSQL, Riak, Cassandra, Hive, MapReduce, HDFS, Elasticsearch.

What Will Be The Cost To Develop A Cannabis Delivery App?

Estimating an app cost is quite a difficult task. There are lots of details that a development company needs to consider. Some of them are:

  • Platforms: native or cross platforms
  • Features and function details
  • R & D details to find the accurate model
  • The technology used in the development
  • Texting techniques
  • App size, i.e., number of pages to be created
  • Maintenance cost to keep it up to date with technology

There is another cost, i.e., of developers cost. Whether you need

  • SaaS-based model,
  • Hire a developer (per hour), or
  • Need a business app

You can talk to our experts more to know and find out whether your particular strategy will be fruitful for your business or not. Our expertise is ready to help you all the time. 

Plus, you can also avail of huge discounts or offers on app development. 

Make a WIN-WIN situation for your business success …


How much time it will take to build a cannabis delivery app?

It takes about 50 hours of effort to complete the basic technical documentation and design. The time it takes to produce a UI/UX design is approximately 50 hours. The backend of the cannabis delivery service will take 60-70 hours to construct, while the development stage could take up to 120 hours depending on the platform. Also, based on several factors it changes.

What will be the cost of the development of a cannabis/marijuana delivery app?

Depending on the features you are looking to add to your cannabis/marijuana delivery mobile app and the resources that you would need to get your app transformed from the idea to the launch phase, the cost of developing a cannabis delivery service depends on various factors. If you want to know the real-time price contact us now.

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