Software Development Trends That Are Ready To Define 2024
Let us look at the trends that are impacting the current world before we look at the remaining Houston-based custom software development companies.
Focus On Cloud
The year 2020 marked the rising need for Cloud services due to the COVID-19 effect. A catastrophe like Corona showed us that we need Cloud for upscaling and down-scaling, i.e. when demand for services drops significantly. No matter which industry, everyone is planning to migrate to Cloud.
Increased Use Of Blockchain
Blockchain technology is not just restricted to cryptocurrency and has other uses, too. It will prevent fraud in sensitive transactions and will be used within smart contract platforms. The technology is safe and is used for developing software applications.
Evolution Of AI
AI has gained traction in 2023, and numerous companies are likely to adopt the technology. Moreover, awareness of ethical AI ensures software engineers program machines to do what is right and will begin taking over additional human functions.
Rising Popularity Of Low-code/No-code Development
Low-code/no-code (LCNC) programming is becoming highly imperative for businesses that require it to move forward easily. It facilitates the creation of databases and other applications to support agile operations by those who do not have development training.
Progress In Use of Python And JavaScript
Programming languages like Python and JavaScript are easy to learn, and this factor will keep them in high demand. Python is used in data sciences and a variety of other fields, while JavaScript is popular among development beginners. Top custom software development companies exploit the languages’ potential to develop software that meets the modern users’ needs.
Ascendancy Of Modern Languages
Today’s software engineers are inclined towards modern languages like Rust, Go, and Kotlin because of features like type inference, null safety, conciseness, and others.
Rise In Native App Development
Mobile apps are becoming popular due to the proliferation of mobile devices. The most trusted Houston-based software development companies create apps using native app development. Such apps exhibit great flexibility and best performance.
Rise In Progressive Web Apps
Progressive web apps are built using languages like JavaScript, CSS, and HTML and perform efficiently on any platform that uses a web browser. Their use has seen a surge due to its cost-saving nature and improved customer engagement.
Increased IoT Implementation
The Internet of Things is expanding rapidly and building a network of connected devices. Each device requires software to operate it, which creates a huge need for software engineers to write it and safeguard each device against hacking.
Uptick In UX
Most enterprise software development companies advocate that software development is not just about functionality, but usability, too. In other words, users must find applications easy to use. User Experience has been a part of software development and will continue to do so in the current and coming years. Now, let us get back to knowing the best software development companies Houston.