My Rare Collections Case Study

Explore Rare Collections From Super-Exclusive Drop List

MyRareCollections makes it easy to mint, sell, and buy based on smart contract auctions. With more than 50 categories on the drop list, a newly created NFT marketplace is a perfect fit for rare collection collector enthusiasts.


As the NFT marketplace is the most demanding industry in the digital world. Our team faced challenges in dealing with;

  • High and Hidden Fees.
  • Building Engaging User Experience.
  • Copyright Protection.
  • Creativity and Expression for Creators.
  • Rich Customer Support.
  • Creating various Payment Methods.
  • Dealing with Cyber Threats and Online Fraud.
My Rare Collections Client
My Rare Collections Client


To meet clients' requirements and platform needs, we selected

  • Ethereum Blockchain technology for a secure and scalable solution.
  • Created drop listings to engage users with relevant content.
  • Precoded Smart contract protecting creators' copyright.
  • The description section helps creators to define their creativity effectively.
  • Integrated Walletconnect & Metamask to complete secured transactions.
  • Our system is end-to-end encrypted to deal with cyber threats and online fraud.

Prominent Features

  • RisingMax Clients
    Create Listings
  • RisingMax Clients
    Customized Wallet
  • RisingMax Clients
    Search Bar
  • RisingMax Clients
    Advance Filters
  • RisingMax Clients
    Buy & Bid
  • RisingMax Clients

Technology Stacks

Here’s how we design a full-suite solution with trending tech stacks for our client.

  • RisingMax Clients
  • RisingMax Clients
  • RisingMax Clients
  • RisingMax Clients
  • RisingMax Clients
  • RisingMax Clients

The Result

Our team successfully launched My Rare Collection, an NFT marketplace for buying, selling, trading, and minting digital assets. We created more than 50 categories to ensure users can easily find what they want. With a planned development approach, our team completed the project development and deployment. We are happy that our client is satisfied with the outcome.


“I am highly impressed with the platform's outcome. RisingMax Inc combines responsive and responsible experts with a full suite of tools and advanced technology. We got exactly what we asked for!”

Nathan Cable

My Rare Collections

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