My Pet Code - A tag defining your pets' medical and dietary status and informing rescuers with a phone, SMS, email, and GPS alert in an emergency. Platform offering 4 steps quick solution - Register, Build Alert, Tag Choice, and Fasting Tags.
While developing a perfect pets security platform, our experts cope with the challenges of:
We made a solution, defining the various needs of admin and pet owners. We incorporated:
Here’s how we design a full site solution with a trending tech stack for our clients.
The platform allows pet owners to create a profile within minutes and easily generate their pets' daily or weekly health reports. The real-time access to pets’ health status, such as heart rate, temperature, location, etc, made “My Pet Code” a perfect choice for pet owners to keep their pets safe and stay stress-free. The client is fully satisfied with the final platform solution.
“Very responsive team and committed to project delivery deadlines. We are very pleased with RisingMax Inc.'s development style and project results. I recommend you to go with RisingMax Inc. Thank You!!”
My Pet Code